Christian Education and Democracy in India, Penprints & Salesian International Publication, (2024) ISBN: 978-8196657741 &. 8196657749 Price: 900/- 50 Euro & 60 $ (Paperback)
Democracy in Darjeeling (2023), (Sonada & Siliguri: Salesian College Publication, 2023). ISBN: 978-93-82216-34-6.
Being a Priest in India: A Manifesto (Hard Copy, 2023), (Sonada & Siliguri: Salesian College Publication, 2023). ISBN: 978-93-82216-21-6.
Intellectual Property Rights: Copyright, Trademark and Patent, (Salesian College Publications, 2022), Co-edited with Dr Rudra, Mr Patrick Johnson, Mr Anirban Ghosh and Ms Debarati, (Check more details from the book)
Communities and Identity Consciousness: South Indian Trajectories a Madras University publication (2004) based on the researches on community transitions in the last century, (co-edited with Prof. Felix Wilfred, Department of Christian Studies, University of Madras).
Subaltern Perspectives: Philosophizing in Context an Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, Publication (2005) based on the ACPI 2004 Trinity College, Jalandhar session (edited).
Cultural Identity in Nepali Language and Literature a Salesian College Sonada Publication (2005) based on the UGC sponsored seminar on the same theme, (co-edited with Dr Jiwan Namdung, convener for Nepali, Sahitya Akademi, Mr Terence Mukhia, Department of Philosophy and Ms Basanti Mukhia, Department of Nepali, Salesian College).
Vision From the Margin: A Study of the Sri Narayana Guru Movement in the Literature of Nitya Chaitanya Yati (based on Doctoral Research) published by Asian Trading Corporation & Salesian College Publication (2007).
Cultural Linguistic Transitions in the Nepali Speech Community of Darjeeling, a Sahitya Akademi Publication (2009) based on the research seminar on the same theme (March 2007), co-edited with Dr Lalita Rai Ahmed, Darjeeling Government College, and Dr Jiwan Namdung, convener for Nepali, Sahitya Akademi.
Teesta On the Run: Development Induced Displacement in Sikkim 1975-2010, A Salesian College & NESRC Publication, (2016)Co-author
Brahmarshi Sri Narayana Guru, (Translation from Malayalam to Nepali) by Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi (2016)
Founder & Series Editor/(Co-editor) of: Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
"Futuristic Trends in the Education Sector" in Shodhdarshan CHES Journal of Philosophical Quest, July 2024, Volume 01. No.2. 56-69.
“Sri Narayana Guru: The Meta Identity of Trans-Izhava Indianness” in Sebastian Alackapally (ed)., Solidarity and Identity: Festschrift in honour of Prof Dr Thomas Kandankavil CMI, Dharmaram Philosophy Series 52, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2023, pp. 191-208.
“The Transformative Power of the One World Vision of Sri Narayana Guru” in Vinay Lal (ed) India and Civilizational Futures Backwaters Collective on Metaphysics and Politics II, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2019,pp. 240-260.
“The Kerala of Narayana Guru: A Historical Perspective of Ideas and Society”, in The Indians: Histories of a Civilization, edited by G.N. Devy, Tony Joseph and Ravi Korisettar, ISBN: 978-93-95-853-09-5.
“History, Culture, Environment and Development: Kerala and Darjeeling A Study in Contrast” in Anjan Chakraborty, Rajarshi Chatterjee and Panchali Sengupta (eds), Interrogating Development: Perspectives on Economy Environment, Ethnicity and gender, Kolkata, Setuprakashini, 2017, pp.174-185.
“Reading Gandhi in Ambedkar’s Shoes: Reclaiming Democracy.” in Enhancing our Home: Re-Reading and Re-Living Gandhian Thought, ed. Johnson J. Puthenpurackal, Bangalore: Asian Trading Corporation – ACPI, 2016, pp.193-214.
“Community, Critical Knowledge and Rights” in Pius V Thomas, Knowledge, Theorization and Rights: Renegotiating the Connectives, Sonada, Salesian College Publication, 2016, pp. 56-71.
“Foreword: Darjeeling Society, Economy and Polity”, in Nupur Das, Darjeeling: Society, Economy and Polity, Siliguri, Salesian College Publications, 2014, i-vii.
“Re-reading Texts from New Contexts: In Search of a New World Order”, in Alphonsus D’Souza, O L Snaitang and Limatula Longkumer (Eds.), Globalisation and Response of the Churches, Guwahati, North Eastern Social Research Centre, 2014, pp.27-41.
“The Dynamics of Values: Sources, Contexts and Visions” in Ranjana Banerjee, Neeta Dang & Debika Guha (Eds.), Dynamics of Values, Kolkata, Loreto College: Departments of Bed & Education, 2013, pp. 21-35.
“Introduction: Positioning the Indigenous Philosophies of the Himalayan Communities” in Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol III (December 2012), 1-18.
“The Cosmotheandric Experience of Raimon Panikkar” in Johnson Puthenpurackal (ed), Raimon Panikkar Being Beyong Borders: A Commemorative Volume, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2012
“Expression of Words: A Collection of Short Stories” by Birbhadra Karkidholi, in Indian Literature: 267 Sahitya Akademi’s Bi-Monthly Journal, (Jan/Feb 2012), 237-240.
“The Protest Masks: Politics of Culture and Identity” in Padam Nepal & Anup Shekhar Chakraborty (Eds), Politics of Culture, Identity and Protest in North-East India, New Delhi, Authorspress, 2012, pp. 38-48.
“Sri Narayana Guru” in George Panthanmackal & Johnson Puthenpurackal (eds)., Encyclopedia of Indian Christian Philosophy, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2010.
“Democracy” in George Panthanmackal & Johnson Puthenpurackal (eds)., Encyclopedia of Indan Christian Philosophy, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2010.
“The Politics of Violence” in Ivo Coelho (Ed.), Violence and Its Victims: Philosophizing from Indian Context, Bangalore, Asian Trading Publication, 2010, 332-354.
“Philosophical Foundations of Spirituality in Poetry” in Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bi-Annual, Salesian College Publications, I(May 2010)1, 97-104.
“Spirituality, Sexuality and Ethics of Care” in Felix Wilfred (ed.), Transforming Religion: Prospects for a New Society, New Delhi, ISPCK, 2009.
“From Fullness to Emptiness: Encountering Non-Dualism in Jesus the Buddha”, in Saju Chackalackal (Ed.), New Horizons of Indian Christian Living: A Festschrift in Honour of Vadakethala Francis Vineeth, Bengaluru, Vidyavanam Publications & Coimbatore, Preshitha Communications, 2009, 367-386.
“Feminism Rethinking Philosophical Categories”, in Patrick Gnanapragasam & Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza (eds.), Negotiating Borders Theological Explorations in the Global Era: Essays in Honour of Felix Wilfred, Delhi, ISPCK, 2008, 542-552.
“Relevance of Language Study for Cultural Identity”, in Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi’s bimonthly journal, September-October, 2008, (Vol. 247), 153-160.
“The Role of Social Sciences in Promoting Science” in I. Ahmed (ed.), Science and Society, Proceedings of National Seminar, Darjeeling Government College, (2008).
‘National Aspirations and Regional Autonomy: A Socio-Philosophical Perspective’, in Prathibha, Silver Jubilee Souvenir, Aryabhatta College of Advanced Studies, (Dissent and Dialogue, edited by Pius Vazhappilly), Thrissur, 2008, (n.p).
“From the Publisher” (an Introduction) in Tracing the Steps: A Psycho-Pedagogical Study of Charles de Foucauld’s Vocational Journey, by Dr Nirmol Gomes, (2008) Salesian College Publication, pp. viii-xiii.
“Culture and Identity” in Keith D’Souza (ed.), Culture as Gift and Task: Philosophical Reflections in the Indian Context, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2008, pp.109-124.
“A Map for the Pilgrimage to the Other” in Journal of Dharma, Religious Literacy and Secularism, April-June 2007 (Vol.32, No.2), 153-162.
“New Age Religion: An Appraisal” in George Karuvelil (ed.), Romancing the Sacred? Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2007, pp. 331-354.
“The Role of Self in Developing Innovative Strategies in Higher Academics” in DISHA: Development of Innovative Strategies in Higher Academics, Proceedings of the National Seminar, St Xavier’s College, Mumbai, 2006, pp. 27-35.
“Democratization Process through Civil Society Institutions,” in Victor PJ (ed), Discursive Hills: Studies in History, Polity and Economy, Proceedings of the National Seminar, St Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, 2007, pp. 95-106.
“The Person: an Eastern Confluence with the West” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.17 (2006)No.3, 301-316.
“Democratic Pluralism or Pluralistic Democracy” in Johnson J. Puthenpurackal (ed.), Pluralism of Pluralism: A Pluralistic Probe into Philosophizing, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2005, pp.327-346.
“Sri Narayana Guru’s Vision of Liberative Religiosity: A Post Secular Approach to Religion” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.16(2005)No.2, 195-228.
“The Dynamics of Conversion” (an introduction) in Vibrations of the Heart: John Henry Newman, by Dr Merlyn George, (2004) Salesian College Publication, pp. vii-xi.
“The Making of a Tradition: The Vision of Nataraja Guru” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.13(2002)No.2, 159-190.
“The Birth of Tradition”, in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.10(1999)No.3, 293-312.
“Discovery of a Tradition (Parampara),” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.9 (1998) No.2, 1-16.
“Youth for Transformation of Society,” in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, Vol. LXI (1997) No.6, 386-392.
Christian Education and Democracy in India, Penprints & Salesian International Publication, (2024) ISBN: 978-8196657741 &. 8196657749 Price: 900/- 50 Euro & 60 $ (Paperback)
Democracy in Darjeeling (2023), (Sonada & Siliguri: Salesian College Publication, 2023). ISBN: 978-93-82216-34-6.
Being a Priest in India: A Manifesto (Hard Copy, 2023), (Sonada & Siliguri: Salesian College Publication, 2023). ISBN: 978-93-82216-21-6.
Intellectual Property Rights: Copyright, Trademark and Patent, (Salesian College Publications, 2022), Co-edited with Dr Rudra, Mr Patrick Johnson, Mr Anirban Ghosh and Ms Debarati, (Check more details from the book)
Communities and Identity Consciousness: South Indian Trajectories a Madras University publication (2004) based on the researches on community transitions in the last century, (co-edited with Prof. Felix Wilfred, Department of Christian Studies, University of Madras).
Subaltern Perspectives: Philosophizing in Context an Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, Publication (2005) based on the ACPI 2004 Trinity College, Jalandhar session (edited).
Cultural Identity in Nepali Language and Literature a Salesian College Sonada Publication (2005) based on the UGC sponsored seminar on the same theme, (co-edited with Dr Jiwan Namdung, convener for Nepali, Sahitya Akademi, Mr Terence Mukhia, Department of Philosophy and Ms Basanti Mukhia, Department of Nepali, Salesian College).
Vision From the Margin: A Study of the Sri Narayana Guru Movement in the Literature of Nitya Chaitanya Yati (based on Doctoral Research) published by Asian Trading Corporation & Salesian College Publication (2007).
Cultural Linguistic Transitions in the Nepali Speech Community of Darjeeling, a Sahitya Akademi Publication (2009) based on the research seminar on the same theme (March 2007), co-edited with Dr Lalita Rai Ahmed, Darjeeling Government College, and Dr Jiwan Namdung, convener for Nepali, Sahitya Akademi.
Teesta On the Run: Development Induced Displacement in Sikkim 1975-2010, A Salesian College & NESRC Publication, (2016)Co-author
Brahmarshi Sri Narayana Guru, (Translation from Malayalam to Nepali) by Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi (2016)
Founder & Series Editor/(Co-editor) of: Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
"Futuristic Trends in the Education Sector" in Shodhdarshan CHES Journal of Philosophical Quest, July 2024, Volume 01. No.2. 56-69.
“Sri Narayana Guru: The Meta Identity of Trans-Izhava Indianness” in Sebastian Alackapally (ed)., Solidarity and Identity: Festschrift in honour of Prof Dr Thomas Kandankavil CMI, Dharmaram Philosophy Series 52, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2023, pp. 191-208.
“The Transformative Power of the One World Vision of Sri Narayana Guru” in Vinay Lal (ed) India and Civilizational Futures Backwaters Collective on Metaphysics and Politics II, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2019,pp. 240-260.
“The Kerala of Narayana Guru: A Historical Perspective of Ideas and Society”, in The Indians: Histories of a Civilization, edited by G.N. Devy, Tony Joseph and Ravi Korisettar, ISBN: 978-93-95-853-09-5.
“History, Culture, Environment and Development: Kerala and Darjeeling A Study in Contrast” in Anjan Chakraborty, Rajarshi Chatterjee and Panchali Sengupta (eds), Interrogating Development: Perspectives on Economy Environment, Ethnicity and gender, Kolkata, Setuprakashini, 2017, pp.174-185.
“Reading Gandhi in Ambedkar’s Shoes: Reclaiming Democracy.” in Enhancing our Home: Re-Reading and Re-Living Gandhian Thought, ed. Johnson J. Puthenpurackal, Bangalore: Asian Trading Corporation – ACPI, 2016, pp.193-214.
“Community, Critical Knowledge and Rights” in Pius V Thomas, Knowledge, Theorization and Rights: Renegotiating the Connectives, Sonada, Salesian College Publication, 2016, pp. 56-71.
“Foreword: Darjeeling Society, Economy and Polity”, in Nupur Das, Darjeeling: Society, Economy and Polity, Siliguri, Salesian College Publications, 2014, i-vii.
“Re-reading Texts from New Contexts: In Search of a New World Order”, in Alphonsus D’Souza, O L Snaitang and Limatula Longkumer (Eds.), Globalisation and Response of the Churches, Guwahati, North Eastern Social Research Centre, 2014, pp.27-41.
“The Dynamics of Values: Sources, Contexts and Visions” in Ranjana Banerjee, Neeta Dang & Debika Guha (Eds.), Dynamics of Values, Kolkata, Loreto College: Departments of Bed & Education, 2013, pp. 21-35.
“Introduction: Positioning the Indigenous Philosophies of the Himalayan Communities” in Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol III (December 2012), 1-18.
“The Cosmotheandric Experience of Raimon Panikkar” in Johnson Puthenpurackal (ed), Raimon Panikkar Being Beyong Borders: A Commemorative Volume, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2012
“Expression of Words: A Collection of Short Stories” by Birbhadra Karkidholi, in Indian Literature: 267 Sahitya Akademi’s Bi-Monthly Journal, (Jan/Feb 2012), 237-240.
“The Protest Masks: Politics of Culture and Identity” in Padam Nepal & Anup Shekhar Chakraborty (Eds), Politics of Culture, Identity and Protest in North-East India, New Delhi, Authorspress, 2012, pp. 38-48.
“Sri Narayana Guru” in George Panthanmackal & Johnson Puthenpurackal (eds)., Encyclopedia of Indian Christian Philosophy, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2010.
“Democracy” in George Panthanmackal & Johnson Puthenpurackal (eds)., Encyclopedia of Indan Christian Philosophy, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2010.
“The Politics of Violence” in Ivo Coelho (Ed.), Violence and Its Victims: Philosophizing from Indian Context, Bangalore, Asian Trading Publication, 2010, 332-354.
“Philosophical Foundations of Spirituality in Poetry” in Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bi-Annual, Salesian College Publications, I(May 2010)1, 97-104.
“Spirituality, Sexuality and Ethics of Care” in Felix Wilfred (ed.), Transforming Religion: Prospects for a New Society, New Delhi, ISPCK, 2009.
“From Fullness to Emptiness: Encountering Non-Dualism in Jesus the Buddha”, in Saju Chackalackal (Ed.), New Horizons of Indian Christian Living: A Festschrift in Honour of Vadakethala Francis Vineeth, Bengaluru, Vidyavanam Publications & Coimbatore, Preshitha Communications, 2009, 367-386.
“Feminism Rethinking Philosophical Categories”, in Patrick Gnanapragasam & Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza (eds.), Negotiating Borders Theological Explorations in the Global Era: Essays in Honour of Felix Wilfred, Delhi, ISPCK, 2008, 542-552.
“Relevance of Language Study for Cultural Identity”, in Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi’s bimonthly journal, September-October, 2008, (Vol. 247), 153-160.
“The Role of Social Sciences in Promoting Science” in I. Ahmed (ed.), Science and Society, Proceedings of National Seminar, Darjeeling Government College, (2008).
‘National Aspirations and Regional Autonomy: A Socio-Philosophical Perspective’, in Prathibha, Silver Jubilee Souvenir, Aryabhatta College of Advanced Studies, (Dissent and Dialogue, edited by Pius Vazhappilly), Thrissur, 2008, (n.p).
“From the Publisher” (an Introduction) in Tracing the Steps: A Psycho-Pedagogical Study of Charles de Foucauld’s Vocational Journey, by Dr Nirmol Gomes, (2008) Salesian College Publication, pp. viii-xiii.
“Culture and Identity” in Keith D’Souza (ed.), Culture as Gift and Task: Philosophical Reflections in the Indian Context, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2008, pp.109-124.
“A Map for the Pilgrimage to the Other” in Journal of Dharma, Religious Literacy and Secularism, April-June 2007 (Vol.32, No.2), 153-162.
“New Age Religion: An Appraisal” in George Karuvelil (ed.), Romancing the Sacred? Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2007, pp. 331-354.
“The Role of Self in Developing Innovative Strategies in Higher Academics” in DISHA: Development of Innovative Strategies in Higher Academics, Proceedings of the National Seminar, St Xavier’s College, Mumbai, 2006, pp. 27-35.
“Democratization Process through Civil Society Institutions,” in Victor PJ (ed), Discursive Hills: Studies in History, Polity and Economy, Proceedings of the National Seminar, St Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, 2007, pp. 95-106.
“The Person: an Eastern Confluence with the West” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.17 (2006)No.3, 301-316.
“Democratic Pluralism or Pluralistic Democracy” in Johnson J. Puthenpurackal (ed.), Pluralism of Pluralism: A Pluralistic Probe into Philosophizing, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2005, pp.327-346.
“Sri Narayana Guru’s Vision of Liberative Religiosity: A Post Secular Approach to Religion” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.16(2005)No.2, 195-228.
“The Dynamics of Conversion” (an introduction) in Vibrations of the Heart: John Henry Newman, by Dr Merlyn George, (2004) Salesian College Publication, pp. vii-xi.
“The Making of a Tradition: The Vision of Nataraja Guru” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.13(2002)No.2, 159-190.
“The Birth of Tradition”, in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.10(1999)No.3, 293-312.
“Discovery of a Tradition (Parampara),” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.9 (1998) No.2, 1-16.
“Youth for Transformation of Society,” in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, Vol. LXI (1997) No.6, 386-392.